Rome, a cradle of modern civilization, offers the testimony of an ancient world with its history preserved intact through its monuments and archaeological sites.
During your visit to the city, you certainly cannot miss a stop at the catacombs, the ancient burial sites, that according to historians, the first Christians initially used as a refuge during the persecutions that followed the spread of Christianity and became a pilgrimage destination for Christians from all over the empire.
Inside you will find sculptures, frescoes and epigraphs testify to the life, customs and habits of the first Christians, members of a clandestine community that determined the birth of the Church.
Along the Via dell'Appia Antica and Via Ardeatina, about sixty catacombs have been found, including the catacombs of San Callisto, catacombs of San Sebastiano, catacombs of Domitilla, catacombs of Priscilla and the catacombs of Sant’Agnese.
The tour includes the entrance ticket with guided tour and return transport from the meeting point to the catacombs.
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